2. Take a tour of the game by clicking on the link.
3. Click the "Sign-up" link on the left side of the MyStocks page..
4. Complete the registration form.
5. Click the "Login" link on the left side of the MyStocks page.
6. After you have logged in, you will see your portfolio page. Review each of the items as noted on the page
and get yourself familiar with the stock portfolio.
7. Click the "Join a Class" tab. (upper left) after you have logged in to your portfolio page. Ask
Mrs. Ley for your class/contest name and group password.
8. Make sure that you click the name of the class on the
left column of your account before you make any trades or you will trade in the StocksQuest default account. You will
only get credit if you trade in the class account.
Click "Help for any questions and rules of the game.