Human Relations for Career Success
Chapter 1 – Understanding Human Relations
Check Your Understanding P. 10
1-1 Learning about Each Other
1-2 Brainstorming Your Concerns
1-3 Human Relations with Other Students
1-4 Why People Get Fired!
Chapter 2 – Customer Focus
Check Your Understanding P. 27 &
2-1 Great Moments in Customer Service
2-2 Moments of Truth
2-3 Is the Customer Always Right?
2-4 Who Are They?
2-5 The Card File
Skip 2-6 & 2-7
Chapter 3 – Teamwork
Answer the question on pages 58
& 68 at the time you do Check Your Understanding on Pages 65 and 72
3-1 Identifying Written and Unwritten
3-2 Cross-Cultural Business Practices
3-3 Identifying Written and Unwritten
Skip 3-4
3-5 Grip List
3-6 Getting Ahead While Getting
Skip 3-7
Chapter 4- Organizational Effectiveness
Answer the questions on pages 93,
102, & 103 while doing the Check Your Understanding on Pages 97 and 104.
4-1 Interviewing An Employer
Skip 4-2
4-3 Life Is Not Fair
4-4 Dealing with Authoritarian,
Democratic, and Laissez-Faire Employers
4-5 What Leadership Style Would
You Choose?
Skip 4-6
Chapter 5 – Interpersonal Communication
Answer the questions on pages 119
& 127 - 129 when doing the Check Your Understanding sections on pages 125 and 139.
5-1 Understanding the Definition
of Communication
5-2 Meanings Are In People, Not
In Words
5-3 What Allness Is (Group Activity)
5-4 Listening for Emotionally Loaded
Words. (This is extra credit for two student volunteers)
Skip 5-5
5-6 The Wrong Time to Complain
5-7 Choosing Alternatives to Sexist
Chapter 6 – Self-Development
Answer the questions on page 160,
162, & 165 when doing the Check Your Understanding sections on pages 163 & 172.
6-1 Riddle of the Sphinx
6-2 Methods of Revealing Your Many
6-3 The Johari Window (Will
take most of a class period) Teacher will give scoring words after you have completed
the four worksheets. Each word receives 5 points.
The maximum point value for each column is 50 points.
6-4 Discussion of the Johari Window
6-5 Brain Orientation Questionnaire
6-6 Lookout Mountain
6-7 Group Dilemma (Team up in groups
of five to discuss the problem given. After your group has decided on a strategy,
individually complete the “I Learned” Statements given in your book.)
6-8 Values Past, Present, and Future
Part 1:
Do On Your Own
Part 2:
Possible Answers:
- 500 Years ago:
- Kings, military leaders, and tribal chiefs were typical governments in 1500 A.D.
- Most jobs were unskilled labor. Some skilled were stone masons,
carpenters, and shipbuilders. Knowledge of agriculture was probably most important
- Technology was “low tech.” Tools were in hammer-and chisel category.
- Average life span was 35 to a40 years. Disease, wars, and famine
took heavy tolls on people.
- 500 years ahead: (These are of course, pure guesses. Here are some to help get you started.)
- Many unskilled labor jobs are available on other planets, but few here on earth.
- People seek personal space. It is very crowded on earth.
- In about 150 years, replaceable parts are readily available except for the brain.
- Life expectancy will be 250 years of age.
Part 3: Now, discuss the past and future answers with 2-3 of your fellow classmates and then rank the ten values
in order from 10-1. (Ten being the most important.)
Chapter 7 – Becoming a High Achiever
Answer the questions
on page 195 when you complete the Check Your Understanding sections on pages 202.
Write your own Mission Statement
7-1 Recognizing Strengths
(Set it up like a business letter, using my example from my web page.)
7-2 Eliminating Fear
7-3 The Stress Scale
7-4 The Trust Walk
(You will need a blindfold. You’ll be walking your partner through an obstacle
course that you both agree on—with prior permission from Mrs. Ley)
7-5 Taking Risks
7-6 Life Lines
7-7 Priorities and
7-8 Gold in Goals
– Your goals should be in alignment with your Mission Statement.
Your grade will be based upon
the above assignments/activities, as well as a chapter test over each section.