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Computer Literacy

Computer Literacy
Mrs. Ley

As we begin the school semester, it is appropriate to state the classroom policies and procedures to facilitate an educational learning atmosphere.

1) Students are expected to be in their seats when the bell begins to ring. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, a tardy will be recorded in the grade book. Three unexcused tardies = one unexcused absence = 3% reduction of your marking period grade. (school policy) Each additional tardy in the marking period is another 1% grade reduction. For every 5 tardies (all classes) received during the semester, a one-hour after school detention will be assigned.

2) All necessary materials [a folder with pockets, planner, pencil, and paper] will be brought to class at all times. If you need to return to your locker to get these materials, it will be counted as a tardy.

3) Because of the cost of repairing computers, NO foreign disks will be allow into the room. Plus your individual data disk must also stay in the room and cannot be taken home. This means all work is done during class, before school, during lunch, or after school.

4) Please use the restroom before you come to class. In case of emergency, you may leave the room. In all other cases, if you need to leave during class time it will be counted as a tardy.

5) Students are expected to know the keyboard. If not then the student is expected to practice typing every night at home, in order to keep up with the majority of the class. Daily assignments will be done in class, proofread and turned in before the student is allowed to do a different task (other homework, writing notes, etc.). If an assignment is late, the grade will be lowered. Assignments will be collected and graded at random. Copying assignments from another person is not acceptable - the student's name will be turned into the office. Cheating will result in a zero grade for student(s). Each student will have his/her own place to save on the server. Students are NOT allowed to access another students files!!!

6) The student will not intentionally alter any programs or DOS on the computers. (Play with DOS at home - I do not want to see any of it on your screen). If this occurs the student will be sent to the office and will be responsible for all repairs.

7) It is the responsibility of the student to approach the teacher regarding any work, tests, or quizzes that were missed as a result of an absence. The student will be expected to report to the classroom before/after school or lunch the with in three days of the absence to make up work or tests. If not made up within the time limit - an E will be given on expected assignment. (Please note that the student must obtain a "pre-arranged notice" from the office).

8) Students are expected to be "on task" from "bell to bell". No free time unless the student is done with the current assignment. No Internet unless given permission.
9) Marking period grades will be based on computer assignments, reading assignments and tests. They will be collected and graded at random. Please save all work. Computer assignments must be proofread and corrected by the student before they are turned in.
10) 90 - 100% is A range
80 - 89% is B range
70 - 79% is C range
60 - 69% is D range

10) Semester grades will be the average of the 3 marking period percentages and the exam percentage.

11) Students will conduct themselves properly in the classroom and treat each other in a professional and respectful manner.

13) Ask your parent(s) or guardian(s) to also read this guide so they will know what is expected. Also, have them sign on the line below. When the slip is returned and signed, you will receive credit for your first homework assignment.

***************** I hope each of you will enjoy this semester of Computer Literacy and leave with a wealth of information and knowledge pertaining to computers and Microsoft Office 2000.


Student's Name: ______________________________________________

Parents' Signature: ____________________________________________

Developed and maintained by
Tamara M. Ley

Business Department
Frankenmuth High School
525 E. Genesee
Frankenmuth, MI 48734
(989) 652-9955

All rights reserved.